Aide et entraide

Nous proposons un soutien alimentaire et des services d'entraide pour les personnes qui en ont besoin, entre autres.

Soutien alimentaire

Distribution de denrées alimentaires aux familles et individus en situation de précarité.

A blue tote bag with the words 'WE CARE' and 'RIVERCITY CHURCH' printed on it, filled with various items including snacks. The bag is placed on a black surface in an outdoor event setting. In the background, there are open tents with people sitting on the grass, enjoying the sunny weather.
A blue tote bag with the words 'WE CARE' and 'RIVERCITY CHURCH' printed on it, filled with various items including snacks. The bag is placed on a black surface in an outdoor event setting. In the background, there are open tents with people sitting on the grass, enjoying the sunny weather.
Accompagnement social

Nous proposons un accompagnement pour aider les bénéficiaires à surmonter leurs difficultés.

Puits, arbres fruitiers, l'écologie est au cœur de notre action internationale

Aide internationale

Les colis solidaires

Les maraudes

Les puits

Les arbres fruitiers

Les fournitures scolaires

Veuves et orphelins au Maroc